Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day Nine: London

One thing I forgot to mention in yesterday's post is that I got to show the kids the real Drury Lane last night (goes right by ChannelAdvisor's UK office) -- here's the picture!

When you walk what seems like 20 miles per day, it can be tough to wake the kids up...

We jumped on our hop on, hop off bus (which, by the way, is a nice convenient way to see some of these cities at your own pace, especially with the great weather we've been enjoying), on the way to the Tower of London, which was closed when we arrived too late on Monday.

I always get kick out of this sculpture... I don't remember the sculptor's name offhand, but I do know that this was his actual first car.

Here are the kids checking out the throne of Henry VIII (I think) in the Tower:

Here's the soldier guarding the Crown Jewels:

The kids got a special lesson in sword fighting and were subsequently knighted.

Yours truly was hand-picked to launch big water balloons using the Perrier (aka traction trebuchet). It was guys versus gals, and I have to say, you can launch an object a long way with this thing. I told Dylan I'd build him one when we got home. (That's me dressed in Tourist Orange). And yes, you're supposed to land on your "backside" when you operate this contraption.

Next stop, Harrod's, where we toured around and hoped the kids wouldn't touch anything. We ended up in the food area where we bought overpriced (but very good!) picnic food for our dinner with Chris, Dominic, Izzy, and Tiffany.

We went to St. James Park to meet up with the gang... Mom and Wyatt got some bonding time.

Here's the gang!

We got a full game of "Goose in the Gander" going...

Dad & Dominic discussing hard-core business.

Last, but most certainly not least... Wyatt decided to relieve himself on a tree in full view of Buckingham Palace. The Queen would not be pleased. What can I say? Open up some more public restrooms and don't cut those public park budgets! (picture redacted!)

1 comment:

Author, "One Fine Day" said...

great pics! glad your weather good. still 95-100 here daily - hottest July on record